
What Country Are You?

You're Mozambique!

You're tired of fighting with yourself. For years, you fought battles
with yourself over every little thing you could, but now it's finally time to move on. Just
forgetting about it looks like the best way to move on, though you really like graphic representations
of machine guns for some reason. Rebuilding yourself is going to be a challenge, but with
the inner peace you feel now, it's looking like a possibility. Just take the machine gun off
your flag.

the Country Quiz


onetenchelsea 7:27 PM  

I'm catcher and the rye and the moon (which is a state i guess) Jessica is the United Nations.

onetenchelsea 8:13 PM  

it's kind of funny. I was actually just looking at a job in mozambique. They are building a highway system, and need people to plan it.

Anna 9:38 PM  

I've been Sudan for over a month now.

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