
Though I suppose that there are probably very few people who read this who wouldn't know about this already, I just wanted to point out that my friend Luke just put up a new website featuring his work as a painter and that he has a show coming up in Mpls.

One of the things that I really love about being friends with so many really talented people is how much you can really understand about them from the type of work they do. I think that art, especially visual art, gives you a chance to see things from another persons perspective in a really interesting way. To put it another way, I think that every person sees and understands the world in a different way. Visual art gives you a chance to see the world that others see.

For example, Brother James sees nature in a way that I've never been able to. His landscape photos show something that I wouldn't have see even if I were there...

Likewise, J's photos capture people in ways that I never see them...

Luke's portraits, most of which are of people I know, show people in a very beautiful, very organic sort of light. When I spend time looking at them, I feel like I'm getting a very different view of people that I've know for a very long time, which isn't something you get to do every day.

Hopefully others enjoy them as much.


Anonymous,  7:59 PM  

I guess if I would have my flickr acct updated with all the photos on the mac, maybe one of mine would be up there. Ho hum.

Luke's stuff is really cool. And you're right, Jess really takes some great human subject photos.

luke hillestad 10:25 PM  

thanks for the props. hope all is well.

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