
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

I spent last weekend at an openhouse at the School of Design at Penn. To be honest, Penn had been the school that I was least excited about, but I had a really great time. The facilities and the staff were awesome (the Planning Studio space is in Louis Kahn's old studio) and the quality of the students work was amazing. I also really liked Phily. I'd only spent a couple of days there before, and I only spent a few hours wandering around this time, but it's got a good vibe. A lot like Boston, but less stuck up.

I go back and forth between being freaked out that I won't get in anywhere and that I'm going to get in to to many schools and I won't be able to choose.

Anyway, my first application is due Dec 1st. I'm taking the GRE in 12 days. Ahhhhh.


Radman 9:41 AM  

Yeah, I adore Philly. Did you hit up the south side? My favorite. Jesness was there with me for one trip out there and after some steaks, we headed out to Rutgers (yeah, a long way, but that's our style) for some sandwiches which are famous there (can't remember the name Fat Jerad's or something).

onetenchelsea 1:10 PM  


That's in New Brunsick, NJ. It's like 60 miles away. You walked 60 miles through South Jersey?

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